Using the Stock module

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Open the stock module by clicking the icon:

You will be presented with a screen that shows a list of all frames and miscellaneous items in the database:


If the list is blank then you will need to enter some frames and items. To do this, refer to the Maintain Stock section which details how to create frames and miscellaneous items.

The entire stock list is displayed alphabetically by Description. You may find it easier to locate products using the Manufacturer filter. This can be achieved by left clicking on the Manufacturer heading.

Situated on left hand side of each stock item is a tick box. The boxes allow you to restrict the list, so that it only displays the stock items specific to your Practice. Hence a manufacturer catalogue may have hundreds of frames but you may only sell ten of them. By putting a tick in those ten and then clicking on Selected Items Only, the view will be restricted:


Deselecting Selected Items Only will redisplay every frame and miscellaneous item. By selecting specific items, it is possible to further organise them so that they are listed by manufacturer or description This is achieved either by clicking on Manufacturer or Description. Combining selections in this manner allows for more efficient Stock management.

Increasing Stock Levels

Decreasing Stock Levels
