Spectacle Dispensing - Summary Tab

Dispense Summary
The Dispense Summary will bring everything that you have selected on previous tabs together. In addition you will be able to add further elements to the dispense as described below.
Here you can select multiple Fees that are applicable to this dispense. Once selected a cumulative total of their Retail Prices will be displayed in the Price column, and added to the total price of the dispense.
Here you can select multiple Accessories that are applicable to this dispense. Once selected a cumulative total of their Retail Prices will be displayed in the Price column, and added to the total price of the dispense.
Exam Vouchers
The Exam Vouchers Combo Box will allow you to select from a list of exam vouchers. Once selected the Vouchers Value will be displayed in red as a negative value in the Price column, and taken from the total price of the dispense.
Product Vouchers
The Product Vouchers List Box will allow you to select multiple product vouchers applicable to this dispense. Once selected a cumulative total of their Values will be displayed in red as a negative value in the Price column, and taken from the total price of the dispense.
The Notes section will allow you to select from a list of custom defined notes selectable from the Combo Box, or manually type notes into the Text Box below it. Both these notes options are designed to provide information for the practice only.
Lab Notes
The Lab Notes section will allow you to manually type notes onto the dispense. This section is designed to provide information for the Lab that you are sending the resulting order too.
The Adjustments button in the toolbar will allow you to alter the Retail price of any item already applied to the dispense, or simply change the Retail Price as a whole. The new altered prices will appear to the right of the original prices when applied, and will be used when completing the dispense and for reporting purposes.