Spectacle Dispensing - History Tab

History Grid
The history grid will show you all the historical dispenses that are relevant to the current active patient. Here you can perform most tasks on the dispense, as described below.
Show Deleted Items
This tick box will show all deleted dispenses in the History Grid.
Print Preview
Print Preview allows you to show the dispense merged into the dispensing template that has been selected in maintenance.
Additional Pair
The Additional Pair button will allow you to create a new dispense for the current active patient.
Edit Dispense
The Edit Dispense button will take you back to the Summary tab and allow you to change the details of the selected dispense. This option will only be available prior to the dispense being Confirmed.
Display Dispense
The Display Dispense button will take you back to the Summary tab and allow you to view the details of the selected dispense. This option will not allow you to change any part of the dispense, and therefore is available after the dispense has been Confirmed.
Confirm Dispense
The Confirm Dispense button will change the selected dispenses status to Confirmed. Should it be applicable, the confirmed dispense will now be available in the Cash Module and you will also be asked to take any appropriate item out of Stock at this point.
Trace Frame
Trace Frame allows you too attach a Frame Trace to the highlighted dispense. You will need to do this at this stage if you have previously used a Stock Trace to create the dispense.
Order Tracking
The Order Tracking button will take you too the Order Tracking section of Spectacle Dispensing.
Add Tray
Add Tray will give you a list of available trays, which when selected will attach to the selected dispense.
Change Tray
Change tray will give you a list of available trays, which when selected will replace the current tray on the selected dispense.
Remove Tray
Remove Tray will remove the current selected tray from the selected dispense.
Due Date
Due Date will allow you to add a Due Date to the selected dispense via a pop up calendar control.
Right Click Menu
The Delete menu option will delete the currently selected dispense. You can display deleted dispenses by clicking the Show Deleted Items tick box
The Edit menu option will take you back to the Summary tab and allow you to change the details of the selected dispense. This option will only be available prior to the dispense being Confirmed.
Print Dispense
The Print Dispense menu option will specifically print the Dispensing Template specified in maintenance for the current selected dispense.
Print Order
The Print Order menu option will specifically print the Ordering Template specified in maintenance for the current selected dispense. This option will only be available after the dispense has passed the Sent ordering status.
Preview Dispense
Preview Dispense allows you to show the selected dispense merged into the dispensing template that has been selected in maintenance.
Preview Order
Preview Order allows you to show the selected dispense merged into the ordering template that has been selected in maintenance.
Order Notes
Order Notes will display any notes that have been added to the dispense from the Order Tracking section of Spectacle Dispensing.
Dispense Notes
Dispense Notes will display any notes that have been added to the dispense from the Summary tab of Spectacle Dispensing.
Order Statuses
Here you can select the next available Order Status.
Please note that you can only move onto the next available status, and you cannot move back to the previous status, so care is required.