Recall - Graph Tab
Graph Tab
The graph tab displays the Recall Graph. The Recall Graph provides you with a graphical representation of the next twelve months worth of recall.

You can filter the displayed information in three different ways.
Graph Type
There are three different graph types that you can choose to display.
12 Months by Category
This is the default view. It shows you the next 12 months worth of recall letters. This display can be filtered by Recall Category and/or Band. You could, for example, choose to display how many Adult 12 Month reminders you have to send out.
12 Months by Type
This view shows the next twelve months worth of letters filterable by type. This means that if you only wish to see the Spectacles reminder type then you can filter those letters out.
1 Month, 1 Category, By Band
This view allows you to break down the figures for a certain Recall Category for a single month.
The graph will show you how many letters are due to be created for each of the bands for the selected category in one month.
The month that is displayed will be the first month which will produce letters from the chosen Recall Category.
You cannot change the month that is displayed.