Using Email-SMS - Checking the Email-SMS Queue
When you send any Email or SMS message through Optisoft Enterprise your messages will be sent to the Email SMS Queue. In the queue they will be stored and at regular intervals, an attempt to send them will be made.
The Email SMS Queue resides in your Computer's system tray and will exist as an icon next to the clock in the taskbar. A working Email SMS Queue icon looks like this.
To get to the Email SMS Queue, double click this icon. You will easily be able to see all messages that have been added to the queue over the selected date range.
It is advised that on a daily basis, you check the Email SMS Queue to check that your Email and SMS messages are being sent, especially if you have Automatic Notifications set up in your Database. If you notice anything wrong, or are not sure if your messages are being sent, please contact Optisoft Support.