Recall - Recall Categories
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Before you can start using your Recall Module you will have to set your Recall Categories and create the actual letters you wish to send. You will also have to setup your Recall Enclosures before you can add them to your Recall Letters.
Recall Categories: Adding/Amending
To add or amend your recall categories do the following.
- From the
select Maintain > Recall > Recall Categories. The following screen will appear.
- To add a new category simply fill in the form.
- Start by giving the category a description that is meaningful.
- Down the left hand side of the screen are Band numbers. These numbers represent a recall bath for which ever patient you decide to assign it too. They consist of a month value and a letter that has been previously written using the form designer.
- Enter the number of months you wish your first letter to be sent in the Band 1 month box. This will be the number of months from the recall start date that you will assign when your patient has their eye exam.
- Next select which letter you wish to be sent on this month.
- Then use the drop down box to select the send method you wish to use. By default this is set to Letter, meaning a letter will be printed out. See Send Methods for more information.
- With the Band 1 row complete start to fill in the Band 2 row.
- It is important to enter the number of months from the initial start date and not from the last band figure. For example entering ‘3’ in the band 1 month box and ‘5’ in the band 2 month box will sent a letter out first on 3 months and then again on 5 months after the initial start date.
- Continue to fill in the form with as many Bands as necessary. It is not necessary to have all 7 Bands complete.
- Click on the
button to save what you have entered.
- From this point to add a new category you must select the
button to clear the form and start again.
- If you wish to amend an existing category use the Search box at the top of the screen or the Built In Lists option and select your existing category from the list that appears.
Please note that if you wish to make changes to your Recall categories after they have been originally setup, that those changes will not be reflected in the recall graph UNTIL it has been recalculated. To do this please ring Optisoft support on 0845 230 3450.