Cash - Processing a Refund
There are numerous scenarios that could prompt the necessity for a Refund to be performed in Optisoft Enterprise.
Below is a guide to process a simple full refund. It may be necessary to call Optisoft Support if your requirements differ from the below scenario.
Full Refund
The first thing to understand is that a Refund should be thought of as creating a negative sale, rather than simply giving someone their money back.
To begin, you will need to locate the original transaction that contains the sell item(s) you wish to refund.
In order to do this, go into the Cash Module and click on the Find Trans button.

Here you can use the Patient, Transaction ID or dates to find your transaction. Enter the relevant information and then click Find.
From the list of transactions displayed, click one of them and then click OK. You will be displayed with the details of that transaction including the sale and payment items.
You are now required to multiple select all the sale items that you wish to refund.
You can do this by holding the Control (CTRL) key down, and at the same time clicking once on each sale item so that they become highlighted.

When you have done this, click the Refund button.
This will display the Refund popup. This will be displayed once for each item that you highlighted in the previous screen.

You are required to alter the refund amount (a full refund is assumed) and enter a reason as to why you are refunding this item. You will not be able to proceed until a reason has been entered.
When ready, click OK and repeat the process for all sale items that you selected.
When you have done this you will be returned to the main cash screen. You may notice that you are now part way through a transaction, and that for each item you decided to refund a 'Refund of' sale item has been created.

If money has exchanged hands you now have 2 options:
- Keep any money paid on the patients account - Simply click the Account sale button and choose 'No' when prompted.
- Return any money paid to the patient - Click the Pay button, select the relevant method of payment and click the Sale button.
If no money has been exchanged then simply click the Sale button to complete the transaction.