Cash - Create a Till
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The Till in Optisoft specifies how receipts should be printed and what details should appear on them.
- Click on the
in the top left corner of the screen.
- Go to Maintain > Cash > Till to open the Till Maintenance screen.

- Optisoft will create a blank till when installed which should load it automatically for editing. If multiple tills exist a dialogue will appear to select from.
- The contents of the Header box will be printed at the top of your receipts, this is typically the practice name and address.
- The contents of the Footer box will be printed at the bottom of you receipts, this is typically used for a ‘Thank You’ message and the VAT registration number.
- The contents of the POD box will be displayed on a till display screen if installed.
- The Print Receipt checkbox determines whether the system will print a receipt out or not.
- The Display Category Instead of Item Description checkbox determines whether the printed receipt displays the item names or the VAT category that they belong to.
- The Use Category Groups checkbox determines whether the categories are displayed individually or whether they are grouped together in a pre-defined manner. This grouping would need to be set up by an Optisoft representative on your behalf.
- The Print VAT Details on Receipt checkbox determine whether any VAT details are displayed on the receipt. There are three levels of detail Summary, Details and Full Breakdown. The Full Breakdown method is only available to Cash Plus users.
- Click the
to save your changes.
- Next, click on the Optisoft Orb and go to Maintain > Cash > Settings.
- Make sure that the correct till is selected in the Till box. Click Change to change the till if required.
- Click
to save the changes.