Appointments - Appointment Notification

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You can set up rules for automated appointment notification messages. These can be sent by letter, SMS or email (You will need the Email-SMS module in order to do this). You can also configure how and where your Appointment Cards print, at this stage.

  • Click on the optisoftorb.jpg in the top left of the screen.
  • Go to Maintain > Appointments > Notification.
  • Select the send method by choosing one of the tabs.
  • Enter the value for when you want to send the reminder.
  • Select the template to use. You can create the templates for letters, cards and e-mails using the Form Designer tool. SMS templates can only be created from within the SMS module in the main Patient Record Screen.
  • Tick the box to activate the chosen method.
  • Click the savebutton.jpg button to save the changes.
