Recall - How to Suppress Recall Letters

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How to Suppress Recall Letters

Once you have clicked on buildpatlistbutton.jpg you will see that the Patients tab becomes active.


Click on Patients to get a list of all of the patient’s on the current recall run.

Next to each of the patient’s names you will see the current status of their recall. This will usually say To Be Printed to indicate that the letter for the patient will be printed when you click on Print Letters on the Recall tab.

To suppress a recall letter from being printed on the current you need to toggle this status to Not To Be Printed.

You can do this in two ways:

  • Select the patient in the list
  • Click on the Patient Details tab


  • Tick the Do Not Print checkbox and click okbutton.jpg
  • This will have changed the status of the patient’s letter to Not To Be Printed


  • Select the patient in the list


  • Right-click on the patient’s name


  • Click on the Toggle Print Status option that appears
  • This will have changed the status of the patient’s letter to Not To Be Printed

Once you have made the necessary suppressions you can select the Recall tab and print the letters as normal.
