Cash - Seting Cash Printers

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Setting Cash Printers

Optisoft cash provides two types of printer output, the receipt printer and the report printer. Both of which will need to be set up before you use them.


Report Printer The report printer is your standard desktop printer so you will need to configure Optisoft to send the reports to the correct printer on your system.

Click on the optisoftorb.jpg in the top left corner of the screen. Go to Maintain > Cash > Settings to open the Settings dialogue Drop the Report Printer dropdown box down and select the printer that you wish the cash reports to go to.


Receipt Printer

There are two types of receipt printer that Optisoft will print to, serial and parallel, this refers to the physical connection to the back of the computer.

If you are unsure of which type of printer you have you can contact the support desk for assistance, see Contact Us

Serial Receipt Printer Drop the Till Type dropdown box down and select ReceiptPrinter

You will see that the Receipt Printer dropdown box is greyed out, this is correct for this type of printer.

In the Receipt Printer Port box you will need to enter the number of the COM port that the receipt printer is connected to. This will typically be the number 1. Click to save the changes. USB/Parallel Receipt Printer Drop the Till Type dropdown box down and select Printer

You will see that the Receipt Printer dropdown box is active.

Drop the Receipt Printer dropdown box down and select the receipt printer from the list. If the receipt printer does not appear on this list you should first confirm that you do indeed have a parallel receipt printer. Click to save the changes.