Appointments - Using Find Next Appointment

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Using Find Next Appointment

You can use Find Next Appointment to search for the next available appointment of certain types or lengths on certain optometrists.

Make the patient that you wish to book the appointment for the active patient. Click on the Find Next Appointment button.

Select which optometrists you’d like to include in the search, all or a specific optometrist.

Either select the required appointment type or an appointment length to search for a slot for. Select the specific day of the week to search on or leave it to search on all days. Select when you’d like to start searching from i.e. after 10:00am or after 13th August. Click the Search button to begin the Find Next Appointment search. Select the slot from the list that appears on the right hand side to bring up the appointment booking screen. If none of the slots displayed are suitable click on the Find Next button to search for further available slots.