Spectacle Dispensing - Creating a Dispense
The following walkthrough will describe how to create a simple dispense in Optisoft Enterprise
First of all you will require the patient record you wish to create this dispense for. Either search for the record in the patients module, and use the Active Patient list, or select the record using the search box in the toolbar.
Next select the relevant Dispensing Optician from the drop down list.
- Image Of General tab with Patient and DO selected
Now go to the Rx tab.
If the patient record has an Rx, this should now be shown in the Grid. This will be the last Rx that has been attached to the patient. If you require to add a new Rx, or select a previous one, click on the Edit Rx button in the toolbar.
This will take you to the patient Rx screen, where you can either enter a new, edit the existing or search for a previous Rx.