Using Patients - Recall Tab

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Recall Tab

Use the recall tab to assign the patient’s recall category. See Recall for more information on how the Recall module works and how to set it up.

Each patient can have up to three recall categories assigned to them, one each for Spectacles, Contact Lenses and Schemes.

Also on the Recall tab you will see the patient’s Next Letter, this is the next recall letter that the patient is due to receive. Within these details is a tick box called Supressed by Appointment, this will only be ticked if the patient has booked an appointment in the future and the member of staff booking it has chosen to suppress the sending of the patient’s next recall letter.

Just below the Next Letter you will have an entry called Next Appointment, showing the patient’s next booked appointment. If the Appointment module has not been installed then this section will, of course, remain blank.

At the bottom of the screen you will have check boxes indicating whether the patient has agreed to receive Email and/or SMS messages from the practice. See the Email/SMS module for more information.