Active Patients - Adding Active Patients

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Revision as of 13:21, 14 February 2012 by Mconnor (talk | contribs)
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Adding Patients to the List

If you create a new patient on the system they are automatically added to the Active Patients list and are made the active patient, ready for use.

If you use one of the search functions and open a patient’s record they are then added to the Active Patients list and are made the active patient.

You can add multiple patients to the Active List, e.g. a family, using the search function.

At the bottom of each of the search results list boxes there are three buttons associated with the Active Patient list.

These buttons are

AddToActiveListButton.jpg Add to Active Patients List – This button will add all of the search results to the Active Patient list.

SetAsActiveListButton.jpg Set as Active Patients List – This button will replace the existing Active Patients list with the contents of the search results.

AddSelectionToActiveButton.jpg Add Selection to the Active Patients List – This button will add the currently selected entry in the search results to the Active Patients list. The search list will remain open, allowing you to select further records to add to the Active Patients list.

Additionally, if you click the okbutton.jpg button the currently selected patient will be added to the Active Patients list, the search results will close and the patient will be made active.