Optisoft Enterprise Release Notes

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Enterpirse v7.15.1

  • Fix for the Appointment Booked report

Enterpirse v7.15.0

  • Patient Prescription now loads new Rx, to avoid to overwriting of historical Rx's
  • Introduction of Universal Credit for EGOS

Enterpirse v7.14.0

Enterpirse v7.13.0

Enterpirse v7.12.0

Enterpirse v7.11.0

Enterpirse v7.10.0

Enterpirse v7.8.0

Enterpirse v7.7.0

Enterpirse v7.6.0

Enterpirse v7.5.0

Enterpirse v7.4.0

Enterpirse v7.3.0

Enterpirse v7.2.1

Enterpirse v7.2.0

Enterpirse v7.0.24

Enterpirse v7.0.23

Enterpirse v7.0.22

Enterpirse v7.0.21

Enterpirse v7.0.20