Cash - Taking Payments

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As payments are rarely simple, Optisoft Cash is also able to take multiple payments on one transaction, provide change and create accounts for patients.

Multiple Payment Methods

If a patient wishes to pay for their transaction on more than one payment method, for example cash and a debit card, Optisoft Cash is able to accept this.

In the example below the patient has an outstanding amount of £500, they wish to pay £50 in cash and the remaining £450 on their Maestro card.

In this case we would click on the button.

Select Cash by clicking on the Cash button. Optisoft has automatically added the £500 in the Amount box, we need to change this to £50 then click.

As there is still an outstanding amount we are returned to the Payment Method dialogue. We will now click on the Debit Card.

Again, Optisoft has calculated the payment required to clear the outstanding balance. This is the £450 we wish to pay by Maestro so we will just click here. This reduces the outstanding balance to zero and we would then go on to complete the transaction.

Providing Change

If the patient pays with cash it is very rare that they provide the exact amount, requiring you to provide them with change.

In our example our patient has bought and item for £12 and paid with a £20 note.

We clicked on Cash and selected Cash as the payment method.

Optisoft enters the required amount to balance the transaction but in this case we want to change this to £5 as that is the amount tendered.

As the patient has had their name entered we have the options of and . This is where the distinction between the two options is important.

If we were to click no change would be provided and the patient would acquire a positive account balance of 22p.

If we click on the button, however, Optisoft understands that we wish to provide the difference as change.

When we click on we are provided with the summary screen showing the change amount as a negative value, indicating payment out.

Click on the button to print the receipt and open the till drawer.

N.B. On this copy of Optisoft we have already specified that all change is to be provided as cash so we are not prompted for a change method when we click on Sale, see Setting Cash Settings for more information.

Creating Accounts and Deposits

Patients may wish to pay for their items on collection or leave a deposit. Both of these circumstances make use of the Account Sale option within Optisoft.

Account Sale can only be used when a patient name has been selected, as the balance needs to be assigned to a patient’s record.

In our example our patient has purchased items with a value of £250 and they wish to leave a deposit of £50, paying the remaining amount on collection.

We click on the button and choose the deposit method, in this case cash.

Optisoft has automatically calculated the amount required to reduce the balance to zero, so we need to replace this with the deposit amount, £50, and click .

As there is an outstanding balance the Payment Method dialogue appears again, we will click here.

The button is available, but the is not, this indicates that upon completion an account will be created for the patient.

We would click on the button to complete the transaction.

If the patient does not want to pay a deposit and will simply pay on collection, then you would simply ignore taking the deposit in the above description.

Paying Off Accounts

Once a patient has acquired an account balance they will, obviously, have to pay it off.

When the patient returns to pay off the balance you will need to find them in the Cash module.

Once you have the patient selected you will see that they will have an amount in the Account Balance field in the bottom right of the screen.

To make a payment onto the account you would simply click the button, choose the correct method and enter the amount.

Click on the to complete the transaction.
