Setting Up Patients - GPs

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Adding doctors to the system allows you to assign a doctor to a patient record. The doctor’s details will then be associated to the patient’s record for use in mail-merge’s, this, for example, would allow you to create an automated GP Referral letter.

A doctor’s details are assigned to a surgery, so you can have one surgery record with a number of doctors linked to it. This has been introduced to streamline GP maintenance as it reduces replication of data, and means that you only need to enter address details etc. once.

Creating a New Surgery


Click on the optisoftorb.jpg in the top left hand corner of the screen.

  • Select Maintain>Patients>GP’s to open the GP Maintenance screen
  • Enter the practice’s details into the fields on the left hand side.
  • If you have installed the postcode address facility you will be able to enter the postcode and then click the to automatically enter the practice’s address.
  • Click on the savebutton.jpg button to save the practice details to the database.

You can now either start adding doctors or close the GP maintenance screen.

Creating a New GP


  • Select Maintain>Patients>GP’s to open the GP Maintenance screen
  • Using the Search box or the Built-In Lists locate the practice that the doctor is a part of.
  • Enter the doctor’s details into the fields on the left right hand side.
  • Press the plusbutton.jpg button to add the doctor to the practice, their details will be added to the grid at the bottom of the screen.
  • You can repeat the process to add more doctors to the practice.
  • Click on the savebutton.jpg button to save your changes.

Editing an Existing Practice

  • Select Maintain>Patients>GP’s to open the GP Maintenance screen
  • Using the Search box or the Built-In Lists locate the practice that you wish to edit.
  • Make any required changes to the practice’s details on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Click savebutton.jpg to save your changes.

Editing an Existing GP

  • Select Maintain>Patients>GP’s to open the GP Maintenance screen
  • Using the Search box or the Built-In Lists locate the practice that the doctor you wish to edit is attached to.
  • Click on the doctor in the grid at the bottom of the screen to populate the fields on the left of the screen with their details.
  • Make any required changes to the doctor’s details and then click on the plusbutton.jpg to update the doctor’s record.
  • Click savebutton.jpg to save the changes you have made.

Removing a GP

  • Select Maintain>Patients>GP’s to open the GP Maintenance screen
  • Using the Search box or the Built-In Lists locate the practice that the doctor you wish to remove is attached to.
  • Click on the doctor in the grid at the bottom of the screen to populate the fields on the left of the screen with their details.
  • Click on the minusbutton.jpg button to remove the doctor from the practice.
  • Click savebutton.jpg to save the changes you have made.