Optisoft Enterprise Release Notes

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Enterprise v7.15.1

  • Fix for the Appointment Booked report

Enterprise v7.15.0

  • Patient Prescription now loads new Rx, to avoid to overwriting of historical Rx's
  • Introduction of Universal Credit Analysis Code for Scottish GOS Forms
  • New GOS 3 + 4 for Scottish GOS Forms
  • Performers Name and List Number to be automatically be populated on all GOS Forms
  • Add the ability to prevent the Rx from automatically populating the GOS forms if required
  • Add the ability to have the Contractor Name automatically populate the GOS forms instead of Branch Name if required
  • Fix for the Batch Printing of GOS forms when choosing the 'Front then Backs' option
  • Fix for OptiPost where documents were being overwritten if Recall Run were being performed too quickly

Enterprise v7.14.0

Enterprise v7.13.0

Enterprise v7.12.0

Enterprise v7.11.0

Enterprise v7.10.0

Enterprise v7.8.0

Enterprise v7.7.0

Enterprise v7.6.0

Enterprise v7.5.0

Enterprise v7.4.0

Enterprise v7.3.0

Enterprise v7.2.1

Enterprise v7.2.0

Enterprise v7.0.24

Enterprise v7.0.23

Enterprise v7.0.22

Enterprise v7.0.21

Enterprise v7.0.20