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Using the Search Box

At the top of the screen there is the Search box, this is generally the quickest and easiest way of locating a patient within the system.


To search for a patient you simply type into the box something to search with and press the Enter key on the keyboard.

You can search using any of the information on the Patient tab, it is, however, sensible to use something like Surname, Postcode or a Phone Number.

You do not need to enter the whole field into the search box so, for example, if you were search for a Mr Djokovic you could just type Djo and press enter and it would locate all of the patients who have those three letters.

If there is only one result for the search it will automatically be loaded into the Patient’s module.

If there is more than one suitable result you will be presented with a box listing the options, allowing you to choose the correct one.

