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You can also filter the results of your searches.
You can also filter the results of your searches.

*[[FindPatFilter|Filtering Searches]]
*[[Finding Patients - Filtering Searches|Filtering Searches]]

==Active Patients==
==Active Patients==

Revision as of 17:56, 7 November 2011

{{#customtitle:Patients Module|My Title}}


The Patients screen is used to manage all information that directly relates to you patients.

When you open Optisoft it will display a blank Patient record, open on the main details tab.

At this point you can either enter a new patient record, or you can retrieve and modify/review the details of existing patients.

Using Patients

Creating a New Patient

Adding a new patient is simply a matter of typing their details into the relevant box, working your way through the tabs from left to right.

Finding Patients

There are a number of ways to search for a patient within Optisoft.

You can also filter the results of your searches.

Active Patients

Active Patients

Active Patients is a new feature that has been introduced into Optisoft Enterprise Edition.

It is designed to keep a list of the patients that the user is currently working with, enabling you to quickly switch between patients rather than having to search for the patient every time you wish to perform an action.

Using Active Patients

The name of the current active patient is displayed in the top right of Optisoft. This is the patient you are currently working with and so will be automatically selected when you enter a module.

There is a dropdown arrow alongside the active patient’s name, clicking on this will show the list of other patients within the active list, if there are any, and also the options to have No Active Patient or Clear Active Patients completely.

To select another patient from this list and make them the active patient you would simply click once on their name.

Next to the dropdown arrow there is a red cross , this is used to ‘close’ the currently active patient and remove them from the Active Patients list.