Summer Newsletter
Posted on 22 June 2023
After what seems like a long cold winter & spring, summer is finally here. In our pursuit of perfection, you may have noticed that recent updates have unfortunately been delayed, but we are still planning some exciting developments…

Optisoft Shortcuts
We are constantly adding new ways to carry out tasks and streamline processes – quite often due to customer requests. Unless you’ve requested changes, or taken the time to read the latest release notes, you might not be fully aware of these small changes which can make life easier. So, we are creating a series of eLearning videos which will be available in the Community Hub., the first of which can be found here. Enjoy!
On-line Appointment Booking
We announced the imminent release of our appointment booking system back in February, but due to a change in development standards, most of the programming work which had been completed had to be re-done. We are still in the process of rewriting some of the code, but we are pleased to inform you that this work is almost complete and we hope to be at the beta test stage very soon.
Hosting Speed
Recently, one of our hosted servers has experienced poor performance and if you have been one of those practices affected, we apologise unreservedly. As we have mentioned before, we are constantly adding functionality and improvements to our software. Sometimes these improvements have a detrimental effect to the overall performance. Unfortunately, no matter how much we test internally and through our beta sites, we can’t replicate ‘real world’ usage until it is used in the ‘real world’. For this reason, we stagger the release of updates to ensure everything works as planned. If you have been waiting for an update, it is because we obviously don’t want to introduce any known issues into your practice. We try to aim for perfection. The good news is that during our investigation work we have been able to identify many minor issues and made improvements to all areas of the software which will help improve overall performance in the long term. Thank you for your ongoing patience.
Ongoing PCSE On-line issues
The PCSE website has been less than perfect since it’s introduction. But recently, it seems that things have been getting worse with complete lack of access for several days. Unfortunately, we can’t do anything about PCSE On-line being down, but we can help by providing a way of generating the claims, collecting the electronic signatures and getting everything ready for when the website is functioning and able to receive your completed claims. Our fully integrated eGOS solution is provided free of charge with Optisoft.NET and can help you save valuable staff time. Full features include: Watch the eLearning video. Already subscribed to Optisoft.NET? Click this link to request setup.
Electronic Referrals
Things have gone a little quiet regards EeRS, however, some areas of the country do seem to be pressing ahead. If you use the Opera, Cynapsis or Rego referral systems, we would be interested to hear if you have been asked about integration. EeRS stands for Electronic eyecare Referral System. The aim is to provide a secure system for the transfer of patient and clinical data between eyecare services and GPs. For more info regarding EeRS, ABDO have created a FAQ page with all the details.
Planned Development Work
The projects we are currently working on are:
Direct Debits Module to provide automated monthly payments for items such as contact lens supply, patient loyalty schemes and spreading the cost of high end dispenses.
If you have any other suggestions for changes and improvements, we would love to hear from you.
As always, if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
Sales: 0345 230 1230 | Support: 0345 230 3450 | Email: