Spring Newsletter
Posted on 14 March 2023

It doesn’t look like it outside right now, but Spring is here…. honestly!
We might be waiting for the weather to warm up, but you don’t have to wait any longer for the latest news from Optisoft, read on…

100% Optical 2023
A big thank you to everyone who visited our stand at 100% Optical. The show was a huge success – Saturday and Sunday were extremely busy with customers wanting to find out about all the new features in Optisoft.NET. If the stand was busy when you visited and you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Payment terminals now integrated
As you are hopefully aware, we have been EVO partners for a while and promoting the benefits of their stand-alone payment terminals.
We are very pleased to annouce that the integration to the Cash Module is now complete and will be available in the next release of Optisoft.NET.
Integration means that payment amounts are automatically transferred from Optisoft.NET to the payment terminal and the Cash Module will always be in sync with end-of-day figures. With both the integration and possible savings on transaction fees, now is the perfect time to find out if EVO Payments can help your practice.

New features on the horizon
On-line appointment booking – We are still putting the finishing touches to our on-line booking solution, but the overall design was well received when demonstrated at 100% Optical. We hope to have this available very soon.
Click here to be informed when On-line Appointments is ready.
Direct Debits Module – This has been in production for a while now and programming is well under way. This new module will enable you to schedule repeat payments or spread payments over a fixed period via Direct Debit.
Direct Debits will be collected via our partner GoCardless and seemlessly integreted with Optisoft.NET. Click here to be informed when Direct Debits is ready.

Community Hub
If you haven’t already, make sure you register on the Community Hub for all the free resources only available to Optisoft users. eLearning videos, wikipedias, user forum & consumable shop are all available. Still not registered? Sign up now.

As always, if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
Sales: 0345 230 1230 | Support: 0345 230 3450 | Email: info@optisoft.co.uk