Spring Newsletter
Posted on 8 March 2022
Okay, astronomically speaking, it’s not officially spring until the end of March, but we couldn’t wait to send some exciting news. Read on to find out what we’ve been up to and see what we have planned…
100% Optical

Due to the pandemic 100% Optical 2022 will be the first exhibition for over 2 years and we’re looking forward to seeing our customers, old and new. We hope the optical community will get behind 100% Optical and make it a show to remember. If you’ve not registered already, click the link above and secure your place.
We are currently working on some very special offers for the show, so watch this space.
Fully integrated eGOS

It’s here! After much back and forth with PCSE we have now finally released our fully integrated eGOS system. GOS1 & GOS3 are ready to use and GOS4 will follow soon.
Features include the ability to save claims and re-open to complete at any stage. Capture signatures using any touchscreen, QR code reader or graphic tablet device without fear of losing the signature due to claim changes. Auto-voucher selection with values and batch signing for Contractors and Performers has also been built in.
eGOS is included free of charge in your monthly subscription for Optisoft.NET.
Watch the eLearning video for a demonstration.
Click this link to request setup.
Electronic Referrals

Over the past year or so we have been in talks with NHSX, NHS Digital and FODO to develop and implement a link between Optisoft.NET and EeRS.
EeRS stands for Electronic eyecare Referral System. The aim is to provide a secure system for the transfer of patient and clinical data between eyecare services and GPs.
We are pleased to announce that development work on the Optisoft integration is complete and we are now waiting for all of the NHS England regions to finalise their systems so that we can make the final connections. At time of writing, 2 out of the 5 systems covering all NHS regions have supplied their API keys and those are now being tested.
For more info regarding EeRS, ABDO have created a FAQ page with all the details.
Planned Development Work

Once the eGOS and EeRS development work is complete the next projects we are planning to implement are:
Instant Messaging to provide WhatsApp style messaging between workstations and cloud-hosted practice groups.
Refunds wizard to help streamline the refund process in the cash module.
Online appointment bookings to enable patients to book directly into the Optisoft.NET appointment module.
Payment terminal integration to provide a link from the cash module to the EVO credit card terminal.
If you have any other suggestions for changes and improvements, we would love to hear from you.
Optisoft Community Hub

Make sure you register on our Community Hub for free resources only available to Optisoft users. Resources include eLearning videos (perfect for new users and new members of staff), customised contact forms and user forum.
In addition, we have created a closed Facebook group where you can quickly ask questions and interact with other Optisoft users. You can find the group here As always, if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch:
Sales: 0345 230 1230 | Support: 0345 230 3450 | Email: info@optisoft.co.uk