Autumn Newsletter
Posted on 23 September 2022
It’s officially the first day of autumn, but here at Optisoft we’re not about to go into hibernation, read on to find out what we have in store…

It’s update time!
The next update to Optisoft.NET is running a little later than planned, but you will be pleased to know we are finally planning to start the roll out in groups over the next couple of weeks. Some practices have already received a pre-release.
The update is well worth the wait and has the following great new features:
Instant Messaging – A WhatsApp style messaging solution between workstations and cloud-hosted practice groups. Send messages to your consulting room from the reception desk or to a colleague in another branch.
Clinical Records Overview – A new tab on the Activity panel providing an overview of all previous visits whilst completing a new one. It is also available whilst completing document templates such as referrals.
Upcoming Appointments – A new tab on the Activity panel to show upcoming appointments for each diary without the need to open the appointments module.
Voucher Value Updates – When new voucher values are released, these will now be automatically applied to your voucher products and eGOS.
Product Import & Export – Providing the ability to import and export products from Optisoft using a spreadsheet.
Full release notes can be found on the forum in the Community Hub.
Community Hub
More tutorial videos have now been added to the eLearning section providing more in depth knowledge of the Recall and Appointments maintenance. Additional videos for Spectacles, Contact Lenses & Stock will be added soon.
If you haven’t already, make sure you register on the Community Hub for all the free resources only available to Optisoft users.

Planned Development Work
The next projects we are currently working on are:
Refunds wizard – A new ‘wizard’ to make processing refunds in Cash faster and easier.
Online appointment bookings – enabling patients to book directly into the Optisoft.NET appointment module.
Payment terminal integration – providing a link from the cash module to your credit card terminal.
Equipment links – to imaging and other clinical devices. Please let us know what you would like to see integrated.
Schemes Module – providing the ability to collect regular payments and manage stock fulfilment for patents on a practice scheme.
If you have any other suggestions for changes and improvements, we would love to hear from you.
As always, if you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.