Cloud Hosting vs. Local Data with Optisoft.NET

Choosing the Right Data Solution for Your Practice

With Optisoft.NET, you have the flexibility to store your data locally or securely in the cloud. But which option is the best fit for your practice?

Local Data Storage

For years, local data storage has been the go-to for practice management systems. Typically, one PC in your practice is designated as the ‘server’, where your database resides. This setup offers the quickest access to patient records, independent of your internet speed.

With local storage, it’s essential to manage your backups regularly. If needed, we offer and support both daily and weekly backup solutions.


  • Rapid Access: Immediate access to patient records without relying on internet connectivity.
  • Offline Access: If your internet is unstable or slow, local data is the ideal solution, ensuring your system remains operational even during outages.
  • Independence: Continue using the system without internet access.


  • Continuous Operation: The server PC must remain on to send automated emails or SMSs outside office hours, like Monday clinic reminders sent on Sunday.
  • Remote Access: Accessing the system from home (if needed) requires a dial-in, which takes over the server PC, making it unavailable to others.
  • Backup Responsibility: You’ll need a dedicated system for daily & weekly backups.
  • Practice Linking: Not suitable for linking multiple practices within a group.
  • GDPR Compliance: You are responsible for GDPR adherence for both the live database and backup copies.

Cloud Hosted Data

With cloud hosting, your database is securely stored and accessed from the cloud, while Optisoft.NET software is installed locally on each PC. This setup combines the benefits of a feature-rich environment with a user-friendly interface, unlike fully web-based systems.

Our data center, hosted by Zen Internet Ltd, ensures the highest security standards, including 24/7 monitoring, ISO 27001 certification, and state-of-the-art power management. Your patient data is safeguarded in a secure, temperature-controlled environment in the UK, fully compliant with NHS guidelines.


  • Automatic Backups: Daily backups are handled automatically, ensuring data safety.
  • Practice Integration: Easily link multiple practices for centralised management and patient sharing.
  • Remote Access: Access your data from home without the need for dial-in.
  • Disaster Protection: Your data is protected from theft, fire, and flood.
  • 24/7 Functionality: Send emails and SMSs at any time, such as weekend reminders.
  • Seamless Updates: We manage database updates and fixes without disrupting your access.
  • Guaranteed Uptime: Enjoy 100% uptime and connectivity with our monitored platform.


  • Internet Dependence: A fast, stable internet connection (minimum 30mb/s download) is required.
  • Outage Risk: If your internet goes down, access to your database is temporarily lost.
  • Speed: Access speeds may be slower compared to local data storage.

Ready to learn more? Call us at 0345 230 1230 or click here to book a demo.